2013 Touchdown Club Golf Tournament
Date: Thursday November 7th (waiting on confirmation from Pat Owen)
Cost: $150/person or $600 foursome (if you buy a foursome you get a 1/6 page logo in program.)
Four-Man Net Best Ball: Each player plays his own ball and the low net score is recorded for the team. Prizes awarded to the Low Net Team
Individual:Â Prizes awarded to the Low Net Winner and Low Gross Winner
Ryder Cup: Each foursome will be split into 2 man teams within the foursome. 2 man teams will have an inter-squad net best ball match-play. Each match will be worth 1 point in the Ryder Cup match. Ties will be worth ½ point. Winning Team will win a prize (backpack cooler or something similar.)
- Naval Bagel Breakfast at Sign In
- Hot Dogs and Burgers at the Turn
- Adam’s Ribs at 19th Post Round
- Open Bar for Beers throughout the day
- We need to see if they will allow us to buy beer from the 19th and put it in coolers on the course
Gifts / Prizes:
- Polo Shirts for all players with TD Club logo on Breast and title sponsor and beer cart sponsor logo on sleeves. This is given to all players (120 shirts in 2 colors)
- Backpack Cooler with sponsor logo and TD Club logo. This is given to winning Ryder Cup players (60)
- Net Team Winners: $50 gift certificate x 4 players
- Low Gross Individual: $50 gift certificate
- Low Net Individual: $50 gift certificate
- Long Drive:
- Closest to Pin:
- Hole in 1 Car:
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Title Sponsor:Â $3000
- Company Logo Banner at sign in table
- Company logo on Polo Shirt
- Introduction at start of the tournament. Sponsor company can make a brief speech about supporting the TD Club.
- Recognition in Program
- 2 foursomes
Beer and Food Cart Sponsor: $2000
- Company logo banner on the beer cart and in the 19th hole post tournament
- Company logo on polo shirt
- Mention at the intro to start tournament and post tournament
- Recognition in program
- 2 foursomes
Ryder Cup Sponsor: $2000
- Company logo on Ryder Cup prize (backpack cooler)
- Mention at the start of tournament and post tournament
- Recognition in the Program
- 2 foursomes